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Resilience & Adaptability
Thessaloniki city of learning
#Be resilient, #be flexible, #Flexibility, #Identify your strengths and weaknesses, #accept challenges, #adapt to challenging work circumstances, #react calmly in stressful situations, #assess project planning, #think critically, #Define problems, #problem solve, #conflict resolution, #predict organisational risks, #predict problems, #Define problems, #Be resilient, #react calmly in stressful situations, #accept challenges, #Nurtures optimism, hope, resilience, self-efficacy and a sense of purpose to support learning and action, #Be flexible and adapt to changes, #apply self-control, #collaborate for social inclusion, #be flexible, #adapt to challenging work circumstances, #conflict resolution, #think critically, #Empathy, #create creative ideas, #organise participation in international events, #Identify your strengths and weaknesses, #problem solve
Personal development
Thessaloniki city of learning
#Nurtures optimism, hope, resilience, self-efficacy and a sense of purpose to support learning and action, #Be resilient, #be flexible, #Be flexible and adapt to changes, #Identify your strengths and weaknesses, #accept challenges, #adapt to challenging work circumstances, #react calmly in stressful situations, #think critically, #Define problems, #problem solve, #conflict resolution
Thessaloniki city of learning
#work cooperatively, #team working, #lead teams, #team building, #handle conflicts, #behave discreetly, #Behave ethically, #manage team, #Define problems, #problem solve, #anticipate problems, #critically addressing problems, #conflict resolution, #conflicts management, #thinking, #thinking proactively, #Critical thinking, #team-working, #lead teams, #players' strategies, #Define problems, #work cooperatively, #team building, #handle conflicts, #create implementation strategy, #behave discreetly, #self-evaluate, #Behave ethically, #game rules, #work together with co-workers, #manage team, #identify problems, #anger management techniques, #resolve conflict, #encourage discussion in society, #conflict resolution, #solve problems, #self-reflection, #think critically, #problem solve, #defuse conflict
Personal development
Thessaloniki city of learning
#Be resilient, #be flexible, #Identify your strengths and weaknesses, #accept challenges, #adapt to challenging work circumstances, #react calmly in stressful situations, #think critically, #Define problems, #problem solve, #conflict resolution, #apply self-control
International and Intercultural
Thessaloniki city of learning
#examine cultures, #study cultures, #cultural history, #memorize information, #cultural projects, #share information, #learning difficulties, #problem solve, #identify problems, #show intercultural competence, #Define problems
Thessaloniki city of learning
#work cooperatively, #cooperate, #Team up, #stimulate teambuilding, #team-working, #self-reflection, #self-evaluate, #self-awareness, #share information, #analyse cultures, #examine cultures, #Define problems, #problem solve, #identify problems, #work together with co-workers, #show intercultural competence, #improve intercultural communication methods, #team-working, #Define problems, #work cooperatively, #examine cultures, #conversation, #exercising self-control, #remember information, #listen actively, #self-awareness, #cultural history, #cultural projects, #Communicate effectively, #learning difficulty, #study cultures, #work together with co-workers, #team development, #learning difficulties, #summarise story, #task planning, #Learning to learn, #manage tasking, #identify problems, #photography, #memorize information, #show intercultural competence, #self-reflection, #share information, #evidence intercultural awareness, #Managing learning, #problem solve
Creativity and design
Thessaloniki city of learning
#Define problems, #encourage discussion in society, #work cooperatively, #players' strategies, #game rules, #self-reflection, #self-evaluate, #create implementation strategy, #solve problems
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union