Su di noi


27 Jul, 14:00
Impegno civico
European Youth Goals study visit in the Thessaloniki City of Learning
#support youth work in the local community, #support youths' positivity, #promote local youth work, #Promoting creativity, problem-solving and 'out-of-the-box' thinking
Sviluppo individuale
Thessaloniki city of learning
#self-reflection, #self-evaluate, #think critically, #stimulate creativity in the team, #self-awareness, #Identify your strengths and weaknesses, #evaluate character
Carriera e preparazione al lavoro
Thessaloniki city of learning
#job market, #job opportunities, #interview, #tecniche di intervista, #performing interviews, #self-reflection, #self-evaluate, #self-awareness, #auto-promuoversi, #identify opportunity, #recognise opportunities, #think critically, #personal skills developing, #Communication, #make adaptations as the work evolves
Thessaloniki city of learning
#Be resilient, #be flexible, #Flexibility, #Identify your strengths and weaknesses, #accept challenges, #adapt to challenging work circumstances, #reagire con calma in situazioni di stress, #assess project planning, #think critically, #Define problems, #problem solve, #conflict resolution, #predict organisational risks, #predict problems, #Define problems, #Be resilient, #reagire con calma in situazioni di stress, #accept challenges, #Nurtures optimism, hope, resilience, self-efficacy and a sense of purpose to support learning and action, #Be flexible and adapt to changes, #apply self-control, #collaborate for social inclusion, #be flexible, #adapt to challenging work circumstances, #conflict resolution, #think critically, #Empathy, #create creative ideas, #organizzare la partecipazione a manifestazioni internazionali, #Identify your strengths and weaknesses, #problem solve
Thessaloniki city of learning
#advocate promote gender equality in business contexts, #Ability to clearly express thoughts and emotions, #advocate for human rights, #apply self defence, #education on human sexuality, #Being diversity-aware, #gender identity studies, #demonstrate empathy, #advocate equality of opportunity in organisations, #Accept diversity (people's differences), #advocate social awareness, #Ability to listen actively, #Awareness of identity-related issues, #self-reflection, #encourage promote gender equality in business contexts, #acknowledge cultural differences, #understand needs of representation, #conduct self-assessment, #advocate promote gender equality in business contexts, #advocate for human rights, #apply self defence, #education on human sexuality, #gender identity studies, #demonstrate empathy, #advocate equality of opportunity in organisations, #Accept diversity (people's differences), #advocate social awareness, #self-reflection, #encourage promote gender equality in business contexts, #acknowledge cultural differences, #understand needs of representation, #conduct self-assessment
Mondo globalizzato
Thessaloniki city of learning
#advocate promote gender equality in business contexts, #advocate for human rights, #education on human sexuality, #gender identity studies, #demonstrate empathy, #advocate equality of opportunity in organisations, #Accept diversity (people's differences), #advocate social awareness, #Ability to listen actively, #Being diversity-aware, #self-reflection, #encourage promote gender equality in business contexts, #acknowledge cultural differences, #understand needs of representation, #Awareness of identity-related issues, #conduct self-assessment
Opportunità internazionali e intercultura
Thessaloniki city of learning
#advocate for human rights, #apply self defence, #education on human sexuality, #demonstrate empathy, #Accept diversity (people's differences), #Ability to listen actively, #Ability to clearly express thoughts and emotions, #Being diversity-aware, #self-reflection, #acknowledge cultural differences, #understand needs of representation, #Awareness of identity-related issues
Creatività e design
Thessaloniki city of learning
#collaborate for social inclusion, #create creative ideas, #Empathy, #organizzare la partecipazione a manifestazioni internazionali
Sviluppo individuale
Thessaloniki city of learning
#Nurtures optimism, hope, resilience, self-efficacy and a sense of purpose to support learning and action, #Be resilient, #be flexible, #Be flexible and adapt to changes, #Identify your strengths and weaknesses, #accept challenges, #adapt to challenging work circumstances, #reagire con calma in situazioni di stress, #think critically, #Define problems, #problem solve, #conflict resolution
Thessaloniki city of learning
#work cooperatively, #team working, #lead teams, #creazione di spirito di gruppo, #risolvere i conflitti, #behave discreetly, #Behave ethically, #manage team, #Define problems, #problem solve, #anticipate problems, #critically addressing problems, #conflict resolution, #conflicts management, #riflessione, #thinking proactively, #Critical thinking, #team-working, #lead teams, #players' strategies, #Define problems, #work cooperatively, #creazione di spirito di gruppo, #risolvere i conflitti, #create implementation strategy, #behave discreetly, #self-evaluate, #Behave ethically, #game rules, #work together with co-workers, #manage team, #identify problems, #anger management techniques, #resolve conflict, #encourage discussion in society, #conflict resolution, #solve problems, #self-reflection, #think critically, #problem solve, #defuse conflict
Thessaloniki city of learning
#environmental sustainability, #environmental science, environmental protection, #environmental law, #stimulate environmental awareness, #evaluate historic climate changes, #impatto dei cambiamenti climatici, #self-reflection, #observe information, #analyse information, #ecology, #principi ecologici, #energy, #energy saving, saving energy, #team working, #share information, #Think sustainably, #present data, #piantare gli alberi, #attuare i piani d'azione per l'ambiente, #team-working, #present data, #environmental sustainability, #environmental science, environmental protection, #Think sustainably, #Critical thinking, #evaluate historic climate changes, #memorizzare informazioni, #ispirare l'entusiasmo per la natura, #working in a team, #ecological and economical changes in society, #energy saving, saving energy, #observe information, #sun energy, #piantare gli alberi, #attuare i piani d'azione per l'ambiente, #team development, #environmental laws, #environmental regulations, #action environmental management plans, #active listening, #analyse information, #preparare l'area di piantagione per la semina, #share information, #impatto dei cambiamenti climatici, #ecology, #tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione, #principi ecologici, #energia solare, #self-reflection, #share information, #energy, #manage team work
Badgecraft gestisce questa piattaforma web e continua a svilupparla in partnership con organizzazioni leader nel settore dell'educazione. La prima versione di questa piattaforma è stata realizzata grazie ai cofinanziamenti del programma Erasmus+ dell'Unione Europea. Contattaci all'email
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Co-finanziato dal programma Erasmus+ dell'Unione Europea