You have efficiently documented the Youth Encounter and its content through different media tools in order to make it easy to disseminate its results and the work behind it.
Norėdami gauti ženkliuką, turite atlikti 2 užduotis
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Provide the link to some online resources that you have helped in producing or upload a video, photo, audio file to show an example of the documentation you have helped to produce
Prisijunk ir pradėk užduotįĮrodymus patikrino: 2 renginio nariai
Who were the other mebers of the team? Name the one that made you laugh more. Ask confirmation to 2 other task group members
Prisijunk ir pradėk užduotįĮrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Give the team your feedback on having to manage a task like this one. Your opinions will help us in doing always better.
Prisijunk ir pradėk užduotį