I took proactive role to achieve my personal and professional learning goals during the international youth work activity.As a results of my proactive attitude I was able to identify learning opportunities and manage my learning.I also supported the others in need helping them to overcome learning obstacles.
Du må fullføre 3 oppgaver for å få dette merket
Bevis bekreftet av: en aktivitetsarrangør
Define your personal and professional learning goals for this activity. Write what you want to learn and confirm this 1 project organiser.
Logg inn og start oppdragBevis bekreftet av: selvgodkjenning
Identify learning opportunities during the activity programme. Write down where you see opportunities.
Logg inn og start oppdragBevis bekreftet av: selvgodkjenning
Organise learning time, resources and necessary support. Explain how you managed your learning.
Logg inn og start oppdragBevis bekreftet av: ett aktivitetsmedlem
Support others in need by helping to overcome learning obstacles. Write down how you supported others during this activity. Confirm your support with 1 other project member.
Logg inn og start oppdragBevis bekreftet av: selvgodkjenning
Reflect with peer participants plans to use learning after this project. Share how you can your learning back home.
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